
17 Mar 2010

The Secret History

The Secret History by Donna Tart follows a small and eccentric clique of scholarly Greek students who become obsessed by recreating a particularly violent and Bacchanal ceremony in order to evoke the Greek God Dionysus. A murder to cover a murder and more follows. My illustration, in Chinese ink and oil pastel, represents an interpretation of the God Dionysus.

"It was heart-shaking. Glorious. Torches, dizziness, singing. Wolves howling all around us and a bull bellowing in the dark. The river ran white. It was like a film in fast motion, the moon waxing and waning, clouds rushing across the sky. Vines grew from the ground so fast they twined up the trees like snakes; seasons passing in the wink of an eye, entire years for all i know.." Donna Tart

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