
3 Mar 2010

The Bone People

In this book by Keri Hulme a Kiwi recluse is happened upon by a young orphaned mute in the night, a nail in his foot, sheltering in her house from a storm. She falls in with the 'urchin' and his Maori foster father and becomes unwittingly privy to their secrets and their pain. It is a lyrical, hypnotic and an emotionally affecting book that people tend to get very attached to after reading - and for good reason. 
I am an art teacher by trade and the pieces of cardboard were the parts that some children cut out of painted masks to make eye holes. I thought that they looked a bit like uncut gems.

Painted cardboard collage.

"The childhood years are the best years of your life… Whoever coined that was an unmitigated fuckwit, a bullshit artist supreme. Life gets better the older you grow, until you grow too old of course." Keri Hulme

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